ACC Regional Sections
Regional ACC Sections are the Alpine Club of Canada’s strength. The vast majority of club members belong to a regional ACC Section. Membership in an ACC Section enables members to participate in numerous summer and winter mountaineering, rock climbing, and skiing activities, coordinated by experienced amateur leaders in their local area. The majority of activities offered by sections are either free or are offered on a break-even basis to their members. Through ACC Section trips you’ll learn all the basics you need to travel safely in the mountains, while meeting new friends to enjoy your experiences with.
There are also many social functions and volunteering opportunities in a wide variety of areas ranging from environmental advocacy to section management. Many ACC Sections have regular evenings at local climbing gyms for meeting up and getting in shape.
Opportunities to learn the crafts of mountaineering and climbing through local sections abound. Most ACC Sections provide basic training courses provided by professional guides or experienced mountaineers. Many sections also provide mountain leadership training for their section members with the aim of continuously improving mountain leadership and safety within the club.
Please note that if you already have an active membership, the section membership will expire at the same time.