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2021 Logan Expedition: A Trip Supported by the John Lauchlan Award
Maarten van Haeren, Ethan Berman, Peter Hoang and Alik Berg were one of two teams who received the support of the 2020 John Lauchlan Award to have a exploratory trip to the east end of Mt Logan.
After spending six weeks on the glacier, the team completed several new routes, summitted Mt Logan via the East Ridge, and attempted I-TO on the southeast face of Logan.
January 1, 2024
JLA Trip Report: Kitchatna Spires
Grant Statham and Tim Pochay were one of two teams who both received the first John Lauchlan Memorial Award in 1997 to head into the Kitchatna Spires in Alaska.
This particular piece from Grant Statham explains the importance of the John Lauchlan Award, the character that was the man himself, and the value of exploratory climbing.
January 1, 2024