Current Election Cycle (2025-2028)
The ACC Nomination Committee has identified the following individuals will stand for election to the ACC Board of Directors for the three-year period of 2025 to 2028.
The election for these positions will be held between April 1 and April 30, 2025. ACC members over the age of 18 as of March 31, 2025 will receive voting information to the email address associated with their membership.
Results of the election will be announced at the ACC Annual General Meeting in May and will be communicated to the membership through ACC channels.
2025 Slate of Candidates
VP Activities (up for vote)
The Vice President of Activities of the Alpine Club of Canada (ACC) is responsible for overseeing the club’s programs, events, and initiatives that are run by the national office staff. This role ensures that the ACC provides high-quality, engaging, and safe activities that align with the club’s mission and meet the needs of its members.
Kate Snedeker, candidate
Born in Texas, Kate started her mountain journey during summers in NH and Maine, skiing in Colorado & living in Scotland. She joined the ACC in 2013 after moving to Alberta to work as an infectious disease epidemiologist for AHS. Safety Chair for the Calgary section, Kate also coordinates the Backcountry intro to Skiing (BITS) program which has grown to over 90 participants & 30 leaders. She has completed her CAA Ops1 & Intro to Weather certifications.
A candidate for VP-Activities, Kate brings experience in rock & ice climbing, mountaineering/scrambling and backcountry skiing. Through 6 years on the CAA board & chair of its DEI committee, serving on the ACMG’s public engagement committee, joining the ACC’s safety and leadership committees and volunteering during the UIAA meeting in Banff, she has gained an in-depth knowledge of & many connections in the mountain world.
After more than a decade of expressing opinions on ACC, Kate has decided it’s time to step up to the plate. Through years as a trip coordinator & TNF course participant, she’s seen ACC’s successes and failures. Kate wants to help ACC continue to offer affordable & relevant leadership/mentorship training, keep affordable & easy access to huts for members, engage with other like organizations, support a broad range of mountain activities, provide membership & trip opportunities to as wide a range of Canadians as possible and improve communication. The ACC will thrive in being relevant, affordable and diverse.
Professionally, she works as an epidemiologist.
Kathleen Lane, incumbent
I joined the Alpine Club of Canada in 2017 as I was getting into rock climbing and backcountry skiing. In my early years, I benefited enormously from the expertise shared by volunteers on trips, courses and skills practice sessions. As my expertise grew, I started organizing my own trips and events for the Vancouver and Squamish sections. Whether it is teaching someone to tie their first figure 8 knot or geeking out over snow science and advanced haul systems, my passion is creating opportunities to share skills and foster peer learning.
My desire to support club members, and especially other volunteers, led to creating opportunities for virtual skills sharing during the pandemic, joining the national Leadership Development Committee, and one year as Chair of the Squamish section before being appointed as VP Activities. My experience volunteering locally and nationally has emphasized both the uniqueness of our 25 local sections and our shared love of mountain adventures. Improving the accessibility of leadership development opportunities and streamlining onboarding processes for volunteers are ongoing priorities for me as I seek re-election as VP Activities.
Starting with my first job as a gymnastics instructor, my professional career has focused on leadership development. As the manager of a youth recreational program, I focused on supporting my team of instructors while ensuring that everything was organized so that they could focus on their kids. After earning my MBA, I spent several years providing management and governance training for non-profit boards and executives before stepping into my current role as the Executive Director of the EdCan Network, a national education charity.
President (acclaimed)
Isabelle Daigneault, acclaimed
Known in her professional life as a caring leader, Daigneault is no stranger to the ACC, or to the board of directors. She’s been a member for 25 years and served 13 years on the board overseeing portfolios of Access & Environment, Mountain Culture and most recently the club’s governance through her role as club Secretary from 2014 to 2019, leaving the board at the end of her term. Isabelle grew up in Quebec’s Eastern townships. Spending the formative year of her life in Toronto and Montreal, she spent many years climbing, hiking and skiing in the Laurentians and the Adirondacks. She now lives in Canmore with her husband and pre-teen son Simon.

Secretary (appointed)

Patrick Murdoch, current VP Services & Athletics
Climber, alpinist and skier for over 35 years. Throughout this time, mountain culture has provided Patrick a foundation for lasting friendships, community, and countless adventures. Climbing and alpinism, along with the values promoted by these pursuits and enshrined in the ACC, continue to inspire him.