Rocky Mountain

Rocky Mountain

The ACC Rocky Mountain Section enjoys a home close to one of the most spectacular natural playgrounds in the world – the Canadian Rocky Mountains. With the Canadian Rockies at our back door, more than 1200 members of the Rocky Mountain Section (as of August 2017) participate in a wide range of mountain activities all year round. Whether it’s hiking, scrambling, rock climbing, mountaineering, ice climbing, cross-country ski or ski touring, The Alpine Club of Canada’s Rocky Mountain Section has it all!

Membership Rates

A $5 discount on the above rates will apply if a Section Membership is purchased at the same time as a National Membership. 

Huts And Other Activities

We offer many free or highly subsidized training courses to our members, including: Avalanche Safety, First Aid, Rock Rescue, Climbing Skills, Mountain Weather, Map and Compass, Crevasse Rescue, etc. In addition to formal training courses, our section organizes two programs each year designed to enhance your mountain skills:
  • A multi-day BIT (Backcountry Skiers in Training) program to introduce competent skiers to back country ski skills.
  • A ROCK (Rockies Outdoor Climbing Knowledge) Program, for members with some climbing experience who would like to be safe and competent participants on multi-pitch climbs.

Meetings and Socials

Looking for climbing partners? Interested in updates on the latest avalanche technology? Do you want to learn more about first aid, local fauna or interesting areas to climb or ski? Or do you just want to get together with a bunch of fun people and drink beer while talking about climbing and skiing? Then our socials are for you! We have slide shows or presentations most months except during the summer, when we’re too busy climbing. They are usually in the evenings, often on Tuesday nights. We have pub nights whenever we feel like it. We also have climbing socials where we do some laps at Elevation Place Climbing Gym, and then head out to a local pub afterwards to socialize.

Trip Schedule

Section volunteers lead weekday and weekend trips throughout the year: hiking, scrambling, rock climbing, mountaineering, ice climbing, alpine ski touring, cross-country skiing. All of our trips are free for members, with the exception of overnight or multi-day trips with paid accommodation. The section also organizes 2 or 3 week-long lodge-based ski trips, priced on a break-even basis and led by an experienced trip coordinator. We also coordinate occasional international trips to places such as Kyrgyzstan, Chamonix, and Patagonia.

Fairy Meadow spring bonus week available May 3-10, 2025.