

Mountain Safety

Incident Reporting

In the event of an accident on any ACC-sponsored activity, it is essential that the ACC National Office be notified. 

Please contact the Safety Committee for assistance: [email protected].

In addition to submitting the form, serious incidents on ACC trips (e.g. incidents that result in a fatality, disabling injury, or which are likely to result in a lawsuit and/or media coverage) must also be reported immediately and directly to the Executive Director of the Alpine Club of Canada by the trip organizer/coordinator via email to [email protected].

Accidents in North American Climbing

Accidents in North American Climbing (ANAC) is an annual compendium of climbing accident reports in the United States and Canada. Since 1948, the American and Canadian alpine clubs have provided an annual summary of the year’s most significant and teachable climbing accidents. The Alpine Club of Canada (ACC) started contributing material in 1977.

The objective of the ANAC series is to learn from other climbers’ mistakes. Each book contains detailed reports and analyses of what went wrong. Over time a pattern in common mistakes, objective hazards, and route specific hazards become apparent. Far from macabre, the information contained within ANAC contains valuable safety lessons for all climbers, whether a beginner or a seasoned veteran.

The success of the ANAC is dependent upon the contributions of climbers, like you, and various park and rescue agencies.

Online Incident and Near Miss Reporting Form

Fill out this form if you would like to report an incident online.

The Medical Accident Report Form, Incident and Near-Miss Reporting Form and Incident and Near-Miss Reporting Guidelines are available under downloadable resources on this page. 

Waivers and Policies

Any participant in activities sponsored by the Alpine Club of Canada is required to sign the Release of Liability, Waiver of All Possible Claims, and Assumption of Risk (“the Release”). The importance of this document to the Alpine Club of Canada cannot be over-emphasized. ACC waiver forms are available under References and Links section below.

Downloadable Resources
