Committees and Forums

Board Committees

The Board of Directors of the Alpine Club of Canada can convene board committees on a permanent basis (Standing Committees) or a temporary, ad hoc basis to address a specific, single event or issue. These ad hoc committees meet for a few months and then disband once their task is completed. The Board may decide to change some of these committees into Standing Committees that meet on a more regular basis.

ACC members who have an aptitude for these portfolios, as well as a desire to volunteer for the club are encouraged to learn about the committees below and monitor the ACC Open Positions.

The ACC sincerely thanks all of the volunteers who make our club successful.

A & E Committee

The main purpose of the Access and Environment Committee is to make the Club an important and effective voice of Canada’s mountaineering community as it pertains to its values of conservation and sustainable practices.  

Awards Committee

The Awards Committee is a non-standing committee established by the Board of Directors that oversees the annual solicitation and evaluation of ACC Awards Program nominations. It submits recommendations to the Board. 

Code of Conduct Committee

The purpose of the committee is to ensure that the ACC fulfils its obligation to provide a safe and welcoming environment for its employees, contractors, volunteers, members, guests and activity participants. 

Finance and Audit Committee

The purpose of the Finance and Audit Committee is to ensure oversight and stewardship of the Club’s financial information, control systems, budgeting, external audit, fund management, and risk management. 

GMC Committee

The General Mountaineering Camp Committee is established as a special committee to provide the expertise to plan and operate the annual General Mountaineering Camp. This is a standing Alpine Club of Canada Committee. 

Governance Committee

The purpose of the Governance Committee is to ensure that the Board  of Directors fulfils its legal, ethical, and functional responsibilities through appropriate governance, and operational oversight. 

HRCC Committee

The Human Resources and Compensation Committee (HRCC) ensures that the Board fulfils it’s legal, ethical, and responsibilities toward the Performance Management and Compensation of the Executive Director.

Leadership Dev. Committee

The purpose of the Leadership Development Committee is to promote and facilitate the delivery of leadership related training to ACC members through various formats determined by the Committee. 

Legal Committee

The purpose of the Legal Committee is to provide oversight and guidance on legal matters affecting the ACC including but not limited to, compliance with laws and regulations, risk management and review of documents.

Nominations Committee

The Nominations Committee will ensure that the Board and its committees are made up of members with appropriate skills, diverse backgrounds, and appropriate regional representation and is driven by the ACC strategic priorities.

Safety Committee

The purpose of the Safety Committee is  to foster and promote safety in the mountain activities of the Alpine Club of Canada. A commitment to safety in the pursuit of outdoor activities is one of the core values of the ACC.

Mountain Culture Committee

The Mountain Culture Committee is a project-based committee that works to promote and preserve the ACC and Canadian mountaineering culture. This Committee provides direction for ACC publications and library.  


Section Forum

The ACC’s Section Forum is comprised of one representative from each Alpine Club of Canada section. The Forum meets in person semi-annually to share their initiatives, create solutions to section concerns, and provide input and feedback to the Board of Directors on issues and policies that affect the membership. The Vice President for Sections ensures Section-to-Board communication.

Section representatives are either the Chair of a respective section or are appointed by their section. Questions regarding a specific section may be directed to its representative. For information on each of our sections visit our Regional Sections page.

Section Representatives:
  • Yukon: Rob Cohen
  • Vancouver Island: Christine Fordham
  • Vancouver: Ian MacNab
  • Whistler: Bryce Leigh
  • Squamish: Scott MacPhearson
  • Okanagan: Dave Henwood
  • Prince George: Chris Wagner
  • Columbia Mountains: Kirsten Silfvenius
  • Jasper/Hinton: Claire Levesque
  • Rocky Mountain: Tana Stratton
  • Edmonton: Jarett Stastny
  • Central Alberta: Keenan Hosking
  • Bugaboos: Josh Lavigne
  • Calgary: Brett Bilon
  • Southern Alberta: Ryan 
  • Saskatchewan: Don Chodzicki
  • Great Plains: Mike Wild
  • Manitoba: Simon Statkewich
  • Saint-Boniface: Trisha Burch
  • Thunder Bay: Frank Pianka
  • Toronto: Mylissa Prisner
  • Ottawa: Bill Barrett
  • Outaouais: Francois Bessette
  • Montreal: Luc Raymond
  • Newfoundland & Labrador: Aaron Casey

Fairy Meadow spring bonus week available May 3-10, 2025.