Elizabeth Parker Award

A special award to recognize extraordinary services to The Alpine Club of Canada

The Elizabeth Parker Award is presented to individuals deserving recognition for extraordinary service towards the activities of the ACC. This award is available to both ACC members and non-members. The form of this award is a wood and brass plaque. Starting with the 2006 award nominations the Elizabeth Parker Award (formerly the President’s Award) has replaced the Special Award which was instituted in 1984.

Award Eligibility And Contribution Details

In order to be eligible for the Elizabeth Parker Award, the nominee must:
  • Must be acting on a voluntary basis or exceeding value of their remuneration
  • Must have given extraordinary service to The Alpine Club of Canada, notably special service outside the scope of other awards.

    Membership in the ACC is not a requirement for consideration for the President’s Award.

    Nomination Process:
    Nominations must be made:
    • In writing via the Elizabeth Parker Award Nomination below
    • By a club member
    • Before December 31 of the current year

    • The Awards Committee will review the nominations and submit its recommendations to the Board of Directors for approval.
    • Approval of a nomination requires not less than three-quarters of the voting members of the Board of Directors.
    • Award winners will be announced at the club’s Annual General Meeting.

    Award Format:
    • Brass on wood plaque describing the award.

Elizabeth Parker Award

Nomination Deadline

Elizabeth Parker Award Past Recipients

Dennis DeMontigny
Malcolm Talbot, John Lajuneusse
Bill Vroom, Pat Morrow, Linder Armitage
George Stefanick, John Lajuneusse, Johnny Wackerle
Chic Scott
Dan Verrall, Wayne Shackleton, Dave Clay
Sharon Wood, Laurie Skreslet, Pat Morrow, Dwayne Congdon
Brad Harrison, Leslie DeMarsh
Murray Toft, Don McTighe
Geoff Powter
Andy Williams, Rev. George B. Kinney, ACMG
Chuck Young
John E. (Jed) Williamson, Wallace R. Joyce
Peter Aitchison

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