Silver Rope for Leadership Award

A Mountaineering and Ski Mountaineering Award for Excellence in Leadership and Technical Ability

This award is presented to members in good standing with the ACC who have demonstrated technical skills and leadership abilities of a high caliber in mountaineering or ski mountaineering over a number of years. The term “mountaineering” will include activities such as technical rock or ice climbing or route-finding abilities demonstrated on National or Section organized activities. The Silver Rope for Leadership Award was instituted in 1933. The form of this award is the Silver Rope pin and a brass on wood plaque describing the award.

Award Eligibility And Contribution Details

In order to be eligible for the Silver Rope for Leadership Award, the nominee must: Be an active ACC member Have demonstrated excellence in technical skills and leadership abilities of a high calibre in mountaineering or ski mountaineering on club or section organized activities over a period exceeding 10 years. The term “mountaineering” includes activities such as technical rock or ice climbing or route-finding abilities demonstrated on national- or section-organized activities. It is intended that the Eric Brooks Leader Award be awarded before qualifying for the Silver Rope for Leadership Award.

Silver Rope for Leadership Award

Nomination Deadline

Silver Rope for Leadership Award Past Recipients

Zac Robinison, Helen Sovdat

Guests who have immediate plans to travel to one of our huts in Jasper National Park please respect the wildfire closures. We will be in contact with guests affected by the closures shortly.

We are asking guests with future reservations at ACC huts in Jasper National Park to please be patient as the situation is evolving. We will update our guests on any future closures as we receive updates from the emergency response teams.